
  • Make It Your Own: Wedding Invitation Design

    Anna Ellis

    Posted on May 12 2019

    Make It Your Own: Wedding Invitation Design
    Your wedding invitation suite is your guests’ “first look” at the type of event they are to expect. The content, colors, typeface, and other details in the suite will all carry meaning for your guests.
  • Let the wings take root

    Kari Miller

    Posted on May 07 2019

    Let the wings take root
    My deep desire to allow my wings to take root has pushed me in a variety of directions over the years. Each gave me a new perspective and shaped me, but none felt like the spot where I was ready to allow my wings to fold under.
  • Brittney + Grant, October 2017

    Anna Ellis

    Posted on October 08 2018

    Brittney + Grant, October 2017
    For October we are featuring a real wedding story from Brittney and Grant, whose love story started back in high school.
  • Celebrating Spring @ Pile of Craft, May 12

    Kari Miller

    Posted on May 11 2018

    Celebrating Spring @ Pile of Craft, May 12
    Winter felt like it would last forever! We've been waiting on spring and working away on NEW Baltimore card and poster designs.
  • Meagan + Chris, March 2017

    Kari Miller

    Posted on March 27 2018

    Meagan + Chris, March 2017
    The most important thing to me when I started planning was to not let planning become just another thing on my ever-long to do list.

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